
File: src/scss/_core/utils/_position.scss


Class Description
.absolute-full .fixed-full
.top-0 .right-0 .bottom-0 .left-0
Boostrap classes
.position-static .position-relative .position-absolute .position-fixed .position-sticky
.fixed-top .fixed-bottom .sticky-top

.absolute-full is self descriptive. Can be mixed with .z-index-[n1|1-0|99|100|1000|9999]

.top-0, .right-0 .bottom-0 .left-0 are ment to be used with .position-[absolute|fixed].


Useful to position an element out of view (fixed, -9999px).

Real utility: Input files are not working if are hidden on Safary. But works positioning the input out of view. SOW upload plugin is using this class/trick!